Understanding the following live casino terminology is an easy way to empower yourself as a Spin Casino player.
Active player: A Spin player who is still playing at the casino.
Advantage Play: Someone who gains an advantage over the house.
Ante: The initial wager placed before the start of a card game.
Banker: The individual who wagers against all other players, often taking turns in rotation.
Bankroll: A predetermined sum of money that a player has allocated for their gambling activities.
Bets Closed/No More Bets: When players are no longer permitted to place any further wagers until the next round begins.
Card Cut: The act of splitting the deck of cards into two sections and placing the bottom half on top.
Casino Studio: Specialised studios from where live casino games are streamed to players’ devices.
Croupier: A French description for a dealer conducting a game.
Dealer: The individual overseeing the game and dealing the cards.
Down Card: A playing card that is dealt face down.
Face Down Card: An unexposed playing card, dealt with the face concealed – also known as a down card.
Face Up Card: A card dealt with the face exposed, visible to all players.
First Base: The first player to receive cards during the dealing process – positioned to the far left of the dealer.
High Roller: A player wagering big amounts of money.
Hole Card: The dealt facedown cards, which should be viewed by the player only.
Pips: The symbols on cards (spade, heart, club, or diamond) or the numerical dots on dice.
Side Bet: A separate wager that a player can place in addition to their initial main bet.
Shoe: An automatic dealing device, holding multiple card decks, which eliminates any chance for manual dealing errors.
Third Base: The last player to act before it is the dealer's turn to play their hand.
Video Streaming: The technology that enables the broadcast of games over the internet providing live casino mobile and online access.